The future of mental health support

We worked with Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living and Wiltshire Parent Carer Council to host a series of online focus groups looking at the future of community mental health services in Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire (BSW).
The joint work follows the publication of the national Community Mental Health Services Framework, which looks at how support for people in the future can be delivered more locally, to help them live well.
The online sessions, which listened to the views of 32 people from across the region, asked:
- What does a good life look like for you?
- What do you need to live a healthy life in your community?
- What does good community mental health support look like for you?
Key findings
- People told us they want to live their lives but be able to tap into support for their mental health as and when it’s needed.
- They want to get support early on, and not be left to reach crisis point.
- They prefer help from peer-led support groups rather than interventions from professionals.
- They want support to be available locally, and not just 9-5.
- They want to be listened to and feel valued in their community.
This report has been shared with BSW Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), which plans and commissions mental health services for the region.
If you would like this report in a different format, email or call 01225 434218.
Thank you for hosting these valuable sessions, and to those who took part for sharing their ideas. We’ll be using all the feedback we’ve received to help shape and develop local mental health support services.