Feedback on NHS funded care is focus of new report

The experiences of people who have applied for NHS continuing healthcare (CHC), a package of care for adults with significant needs, is the focus of a new report from Healthwatch Wiltshire.
two women with nurse in hospital corridor

Applying for CHC, which is arranged and funded by the NHS, involves a person being assessed for their eligibility on factors such as their breathing, mobility, nutrition and psychological needs.

Healthwatch Wiltshire’s project came about after local people expressed their concerns about trying to get information about CHC, the application process and meeting the eligibility criteria. Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (now BSW Integrated Care Board) asked us to devise a survey to hear people’s views.

What did people tell us?

Our report reveals that people prepare carefully for the CHC assessment but don’t always receive key information before they start, and find the process complicated and challenging.

We also found:

  • Most applications are made by someone other than the person who needs to be assessed.
  • The process is easier if people have a social worker to help them.
  • Applicants who meet the criteria tend to be people who understand the terminology.
  • People who didn’t meet the criteria felt let down and were inclined to question the process.
  • A clear theme was the need for better liaison between CHC teams and care providers, particularly when a change of care setting is required – for example, when a person is moving to a care home.
  • People thought staff were professional, empathetic and supportive.

What happens next?

Our report has been shared with the BSW ICB, which is currently making improvements to the way it delivers the CHC service.

Catharine Symington, Interim Manager at Healthwatch Wiltshire, said:

“Thank you to everyone who gave their feedback on the continuing healthcare process.

“It’s clear that better communication is key to improving people’s experiences, which can be achieved by making quite simple changes such as ensuring people have all the information they need, and that key terms are explained to them in plain English. We look forward to following the ICB as they work to achieve these changes.”

Kirstie Jackman, Head of Operations and Clinical Quality for Continuing Healthcare (CHC) and Funded Nursing Care (FNC) at BSW ICB said: 

“Our aim is to provide an open, transparent and effective assessment process which the individual and/or their representative feels they have been fully involved in and listened to, therefore the feedback we have received from this survey will further inform the changes we make in our processes.

“One of the first actions in response to the feedback from the survey will be the development of a BSW ICB CHC Application Process document… this will provide the applicant with the timeline and stages of the CHC application process and will have a Frequently Asked Questions section to provide further information on roles, responsibilities and CHC funding.

“We will also continue to seek feedback from everyone who has been through the application process to facilitate ongoing learning and improvements.”

This work was carried out with the support of Healthwatch Bath and North East Somerset and Healthwatch Swindon. 

Find out more

Read more about people's experiences in our What you told us about the NHS continuing healthcare process report.

Download and read our report

Our aim is to provide an open, transparent and effective assessment process which the individual and/or their representative feels they have been fully involved in and listened to.

Kirstie Jackman, Head of Operations and Clinical Quality for Continuing Healthcare and Funded Nursing Care at BSW ICB