Singing for Lung Health Choir - October-December 2019

A six-week singing course to boost the health and wellbeing of respiratory patients from Rowden, Lodge and Hathaway surgeries in Chippenham, was launched in October 2019.
With the support of an experienced instructor, 27 patients attended one of three sessions. Two were aimed at respiratory patients and the other for carers - with some patients attending more than one session as they enjoyed them so much! The feedback after the first session was very positive and most of the patients completed the six-week course.
Many of the choir members sung carols at the Healthwatch Wiltshire volunteers' Christmas party, which was the first time they had all been together as one.
Despite the project coming to an end in December 2019, the choir has since been established as the Singing for Health Community Choir, now meeting regularly at Sheldon Road Methodist Church in Chippenham.
I have found myself doing the breathing exercises as I do my housework, which can only help. I find it a little easier walking and going up steps. I have enjoyed it so much, I leave feeling relaxed and ready to take on life again. It lifts my mood so much. I feel it can only get better and better.
The group ensures that I get out of the house for a purpose. I have been able to meet others in a similar condition and feel less alone. Thank you for all your help.
I feel this was a very successful project and made very good use of the generous grant we were awarded. Not only did it improve the health and wellbeing of our patients but will continue to do so.
Community Cash Fund
This project was one of five to receive a grant from us. Read more about the other projects here.